Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Production Art - MY DADDY

Here's another image from MY DADDY, specifically the exterior of the film's treehouse. It doesn't have a great deal to do with the film until the closing frames, but it's our opening shot. Hopefully it captures that mood of long hot summer days from your childhood that are coming to a lazy conclusion. You know the sensations- hot gravel scars in your palms from falling off your bike, grass stains on your jeans from commando crawling across the field, scab on forehead from where your brother pushed you out of the tree, that kind of thing. I used to love those evenings of childhood summers and hopefully our finished film will capture a bit of that.

I really miss that from my childhood- the late night playing out with all the other kids in the street. We were fortunate enough to grow up living in a cul-de-sac so there was very little traffic bar the neighbours. Occasionally my Dad would ask us if we wanted to get the Scalextric down in the garage, a racetrack that covered the floor in there that he'd built on a giant sheet of ply. True to form we wouldn't get a look-in as all the other kids' dads came round and comandeered the thing!

Most nights were spent with all the street's kids playing off-ground tick and hide-and-seek until someone's parent started the chorus of "BED TIME" from the front door. One after the other the kids disappeared indoors. It only occurs to me now as a parent that my Mum and Dad (when he wasnt nicking the Scalextric) must have equally enjoyed that quiet time to themselves as well!

And in tomorrow's reminisces, I'll talk about the time my sister dropped a paving stone on my ankle, crushing it like a twig...


Andrew Glazebrook said...

Sister! So, you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the Dark Side... then perhaps she will...

Anonymous said...

did you play the game where you collected a swarm of midges above your head & went over to your brother and then ran away very fast leaving them all with him?

sheriffmitchell said...

Not to brag, well, ok, to brag I had the Knight Rider special edition Scalextric. It was out of this world.

The artwork looks very nice by the way... very nice indeed.

Jo Bling said...

Sisssss-terrrrr.... I might have known that would come from you, Glazy.

Cassie, we didn't play that game. However, we did play one that also involved the cupping of hands but with the release of noxious body odours in front of the unsuspecting sibling. My brother pioneered that particular game, affectionately known as "Stinkbomb".

Sheriff, never knew a Knight Rider special edition existed! I'm showing my age now as I'd stopped with the scalextric by the time the bouffanted Michael Knight had hit the screens. We had to amuse ourselves with the JPS Special F1 cars and mini racing, which in itself was homage to The Italian Job.