Tis the season to watch my favourite Will Ferrell film, sorry.
3 weeks away from publication date for "WEREWORLD: Rise of the Wolf" - 6th January - and it's all getting very exciting.
SPINEBREAKERS - Win Yourself Were-d
If you're a budding illustrator or you just like the idea of doodling a werewolf, check out the exclusive competition that Spinebreakers are running, whereby you send your own drawings of Drew, the lycanthrope hero of Wereworld, in to be considered. Be warned though, if you win you get a doodle sent back by me featuring your good self hairified!
All a bit thrilling and new to me, a BLOG TOUR where I'll be starting off a mob drawing of a werewolf and sending it on to a number of participating Young Adult/Fantasy bloggers. Check out the folk taking part on Once Upon A Bookcase's blog and you can chart the drawing's progression. This could be hilarious!
I'll be spending a week on the road in the middle of January promoting the novel all over the shop.
17th Jan AM - St Anne's RC High School, Stockport
17th Jan PM - Penketh High School, Warrington
17th Jan EVE - Waterstone's bookshop, Warrington
18th Jan AM - Our Lady's RC High School, Preston
18th Jan PM - St Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe
19th Jan AM - Wirral Boys Grammar School
19th Jan PM - East Manchester Academy
20th Jan AM - Moreton High School, Wolverhampton
20th Jan PM - Deansfield High School, Wolverhampton
21st Jan AM - Copleston High School, Ipswich
21st Jan PM - Catton Grove Primary, Norwich
Each event will feature a wee retrospective of my work in animation, a powerpoint quiz about werewolves (!), readings from the novel, therianthrope drawing and booksignings. Should be a hoot!
Putting my hairy hobbit feet up over Christmas having delivered the first draft manuscript of the sequel to Puffin this week too. Time to hit the Chocolate Oranges methinks!
Bada Bling!
I'm that Curtis Jobling, writer and illustrator. You may know me as designer of "Bob the Builder" (sorry) and creator of "Raa Raa the Noisy Lion" and "Frankenstein's Cat". I'm also the author of the "Wereworld" series of fantasy horror novels and the darkly comic YA thriller "Haunt". Published by Puffin, Penguin US, Simon & Schuster and Egmont around the world.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
It's been a busy few weeks in Casa Bling as the whole family has been paid a visit by that delightful seasonal scamp, the Winter Vomiting Bug. Cue two weeks of every one of us catching the lurgy in turn, ending on me being the last to fall. All just about back to normal on the health front.
The second Wereworld books is written! Well, it's written but not yet edited. I need to go at it with a flymo to get the wordcount down - currently its sitting around the 130k mark which is at the limit of where it should be. When you consider book one, Rise Of The Wolf, was 85k then it seems very obvious that I have to hack it back. It's taken a lot of time to go back through the story firstly and make sure everything ties together properly. I've been advised that the best way of getting the wordcount down is to remove those words that aren't really helping the plot move along - "and," "they", "he", "she", that kind of thing. Should have it down to a manageable size in no time.
I've also been working on the WEREWORLD WEBSITE which is looking great. There's a LOT more to be added there yet, including interactive maps, quizzes, Q&A's and even a test to discover what kind of Werelord you'd be. Follow the link and take a look at the great trailer that was produced by QURIOS ENTERTAINMENT and you can also take a look at an extract from the novel, a complete chapter, "The Visitor".
I'll also be linking my blog, yes, this, badablingthing, to the official Wereworld Website, and I'll be updating it more frequently as an author diary, just so people can keep up to date with my movements at festivals, tours and the like, as well as any illnesses that I'm mopping up at home...
I've also been doing a lot of Tweeting and getting to meet some great bloggers who have a vast knowledge of Young Adult, Fantasy, Scifi and Horror literature. It's terrific to be able to reach out and start hooking up with these folk, albeit in a virtual way for the time being. Must recommend a few of them:
Dave Brendon - great blogger, bookseller and writer who is based in South Africa and has his finger on the pulse of all that is Scifi, Horror and Fantasy. If you follow the link you'll see a lovely review Dave did for Wereworld (squeaky bum time from Mr Bling after reading that, I can tell you).
My Favourite Books - a UK trio of avid literati, Liz, Mark and Essjay run this site which is about as comprehensive as you'll find online. Jump in and follow them and enjoy the banter - just don't get them started on Warhammer 40K!
Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books - UK based again, run by the talented Mr Ripley and covering all modern childrens books. You'll also find his awesome Book Cover Wars there too - do take a look and make sure you vote for the one with the hairy-bummed Werewolf on the cover! ;-)
There are more that I've come across on Twitter but I'll mention them on here as I remember. Do sign up, log in and follow all my developments on Twitter as we near the publication of the novel.
Bada Bling!
It's been a busy few weeks in Casa Bling as the whole family has been paid a visit by that delightful seasonal scamp, the Winter Vomiting Bug. Cue two weeks of every one of us catching the lurgy in turn, ending on me being the last to fall. All just about back to normal on the health front.
The second Wereworld books is written! Well, it's written but not yet edited. I need to go at it with a flymo to get the wordcount down - currently its sitting around the 130k mark which is at the limit of where it should be. When you consider book one, Rise Of The Wolf, was 85k then it seems very obvious that I have to hack it back. It's taken a lot of time to go back through the story firstly and make sure everything ties together properly. I've been advised that the best way of getting the wordcount down is to remove those words that aren't really helping the plot move along - "and," "they", "he", "she", that kind of thing. Should have it down to a manageable size in no time.
I've also been working on the WEREWORLD WEBSITE which is looking great. There's a LOT more to be added there yet, including interactive maps, quizzes, Q&A's and even a test to discover what kind of Werelord you'd be. Follow the link and take a look at the great trailer that was produced by QURIOS ENTERTAINMENT and you can also take a look at an extract from the novel, a complete chapter, "The Visitor".
I'll also be linking my blog, yes, this, badablingthing, to the official Wereworld Website, and I'll be updating it more frequently as an author diary, just so people can keep up to date with my movements at festivals, tours and the like, as well as any illnesses that I'm mopping up at home...
I've also been doing a lot of Tweeting and getting to meet some great bloggers who have a vast knowledge of Young Adult, Fantasy, Scifi and Horror literature. It's terrific to be able to reach out and start hooking up with these folk, albeit in a virtual way for the time being. Must recommend a few of them:
Dave Brendon - great blogger, bookseller and writer who is based in South Africa and has his finger on the pulse of all that is Scifi, Horror and Fantasy. If you follow the link you'll see a lovely review Dave did for Wereworld (squeaky bum time from Mr Bling after reading that, I can tell you).
My Favourite Books - a UK trio of avid literati, Liz, Mark and Essjay run this site which is about as comprehensive as you'll find online. Jump in and follow them and enjoy the banter - just don't get them started on Warhammer 40K!
Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books - UK based again, run by the talented Mr Ripley and covering all modern childrens books. You'll also find his awesome Book Cover Wars there too - do take a look and make sure you vote for the one with the hairy-bummed Werewolf on the cover! ;-)
There are more that I've come across on Twitter but I'll mention them on here as I remember. Do sign up, log in and follow all my developments on Twitter as we near the publication of the novel.
Bada Bling!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Closing in on Release Date
It's been a funny couple of months as the momentum builds on Wereworld. In one breath I'm working hard on the manuscript for book two (more on that later) and with the next I'm doing my bit as we ready ourselves for the launch of Rise Of The Wolf on January 6th. There's been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing on the manuscript but that's all been put to bed now - expecting the finished version of the novel to be ready in the warehouse in December when I should hopefully receive an advance copy. The one I've had up until now has been a bound proof, not the finished novel, with plenty of typos, errors and the odd name mistake. The finished version now has these areas cleaned up in addition to black and white chapterhead illustrations added.
The other thing I've been working hard with Puffin on is the marketing side as we arrange not only a book tour for schools, libraries and booksellers in January but also develop a Wereworld website, which shall go live soon. This will be an interactive affair, ensuring that the most avid fans will be able to dig even deeper into Drew Ferran's world and unearth all manner of secrets.
Book Two is, well, almost done. The first draft, anyway. I've one chapter to write now, the epilogue "Fractured Family" and then I need to work back through it, editing it back pretty heavily. It currently runs to around 130,000 words which is right at the top end of the expected word limit suggested by Puffin. Can shave a bit off that and then hand it over to my editor Shannon to hear her thoughts. Squeaky bum time, though, handing over such a big body of work to someone, regardless of her being a chum. Emma, my wife, will have a butchers too and give me her thoughts on it. I just hope it has a similair impact to the first book.
I've also had my eyes opened recently to the book bloggers out there, specifically the ones who tweet on Twitter - have a look, you'll find me there. If you tweet be sure to check out the very excellent @Enchantedbooks @LizUK and @DavesFandSFW and many more. A great way to keep in touch with what's happening in the world of both YA and science fiction, fantasy and horror. The last chap, Dave, has published the first review of Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf. Read it here.
Bada Bling!
The other thing I've been working hard with Puffin on is the marketing side as we arrange not only a book tour for schools, libraries and booksellers in January but also develop a Wereworld website, which shall go live soon. This will be an interactive affair, ensuring that the most avid fans will be able to dig even deeper into Drew Ferran's world and unearth all manner of secrets.
Book Two is, well, almost done. The first draft, anyway. I've one chapter to write now, the epilogue "Fractured Family" and then I need to work back through it, editing it back pretty heavily. It currently runs to around 130,000 words which is right at the top end of the expected word limit suggested by Puffin. Can shave a bit off that and then hand it over to my editor Shannon to hear her thoughts. Squeaky bum time, though, handing over such a big body of work to someone, regardless of her being a chum. Emma, my wife, will have a butchers too and give me her thoughts on it. I just hope it has a similair impact to the first book.
I've also had my eyes opened recently to the book bloggers out there, specifically the ones who tweet on Twitter - have a look, you'll find me there. If you tweet be sure to check out the very excellent @Enchantedbooks @LizUK and @DavesFandSFW and many more. A great way to keep in touch with what's happening in the world of both YA and science fiction, fantasy and horror. The last chap, Dave, has published the first review of Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf. Read it here.
Bada Bling!
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Late update on the goings on of the Bling but here goes.
WEREWORLD - although I've been working on the first draft of Book Two in the last few months, that's been put on hold by the developments with the first book. "Rise of the Wolf" is getting picked up by a couple of other territories in addition to the UK, including the US - due to this I'm trying to incorporate the comments from across the pond into the finished manuscript, which although time-consuming will make for a better book, and ensure that the UK and US editions are the same, bar the obvious spelling diffs (colour vs color, realise vs realize etc) It's all tremendously exciting and is totally new territory for me. I'm starting over, regardless of previous publications in picture books. So the additional edit is now complete and my m/s is with Puffin. Back to writing Book Two...
RAA RAA - rumbling on like an afro-headed monster, the preschool show is looking, quite simply, beautiful. The animators, set builders and modelmakers have done a stellar job and the air date is creeping up bit by bit. Spring next year - zoinks! I've written a couple of scripts myself and have put my hand up for a few more too. No werewolves in this mind....
AOB - development is continuing on a few of my other shows but, as you may imagine, WEREWORLD and RAA RAA are demanding an awful lot of my attention, in between the regular day job of being dad. Last six weeks have been chaotic as we had the kids on their school summer break and they go back on Monday (can I hear a WOOP!) Bad dad that I am I was smuggling my sketchbook and laptop with us as we went camping here and there.
Bada Bling!
WEREWORLD - although I've been working on the first draft of Book Two in the last few months, that's been put on hold by the developments with the first book. "Rise of the Wolf" is getting picked up by a couple of other territories in addition to the UK, including the US - due to this I'm trying to incorporate the comments from across the pond into the finished manuscript, which although time-consuming will make for a better book, and ensure that the UK and US editions are the same, bar the obvious spelling diffs (colour vs color, realise vs realize etc) It's all tremendously exciting and is totally new territory for me. I'm starting over, regardless of previous publications in picture books. So the additional edit is now complete and my m/s is with Puffin. Back to writing Book Two...
RAA RAA - rumbling on like an afro-headed monster, the preschool show is looking, quite simply, beautiful. The animators, set builders and modelmakers have done a stellar job and the air date is creeping up bit by bit. Spring next year - zoinks! I've written a couple of scripts myself and have put my hand up for a few more too. No werewolves in this mind....
AOB - development is continuing on a few of my other shows but, as you may imagine, WEREWORLD and RAA RAA are demanding an awful lot of my attention, in between the regular day job of being dad. Last six weeks have been chaotic as we had the kids on their school summer break and they go back on Monday (can I hear a WOOP!) Bad dad that I am I was smuggling my sketchbook and laptop with us as we went camping here and there.
Bada Bling!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
WEREWORLD jacket art

OK, so it has been a while since I posted any news on here but, as I mentioned in the last post, the lure of Twitter is a powerful one. If you're looking for updates of what I'm working on that's the best place to check - follow me as curtisjobling
In my defence it's been pretty hectic here, with pace picking up on WEREWORLD. Went down to meet with the Puffin Sales and Marketing team last month, expecting to meet with 4 or 5 people around the table, and it was more like the Imperial Senate from Star Wars. There must have been 30 folk from various international territories around the table, which was thrilling to see as they're all right behind WEREWORLD. Book One is pretty much edited and am now 27,000 words into Book Two. If I could write these stories all day and all night I would be a happy man.
Here's the cover art, above, for you to have a sneaky peek at. Love to hear thoughts!
RAA RAA is rolling into production finally - first five weeks shooting completed now and it's looking rather luscious. Lovely to see animators working with smiles on their faces while they get to know a new cast of characters. The sets and puppets look awesome, thanks to the modelmakers at Chapman Studio and the puppetmakers at Mackinnon & Saunders. And yes, the name did change from RAH RAH to RAA RAA - on account of that original name being taken by a certain international pop mogul.
Bada Bling!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Developments left, right and centre...
First up - you can follow my work and other goings-on on TWITTER from now on. Have a butchers!
I've been missing from the blog for a couple of months as we've had an eventful time in Casa Crayon. Mrs Crayon gave birth to a new shaving last month, Constance, who (6 weeks old today) is doing marvellously well. Older siblings are all very much in love with her so let's hope things stay that way!
On the work front I've been wrapping up on the preproduction design work for my new CBeebies preschool show RAH RAH:

Background artwork all delivered now so my role on continued production is all designwork and general input on the creative direction of the show with the team. Its looking pretty special I have to say - off to Chester Zoo next week for an introduction of the show to the wider team (publishing and merchandise partners) so there's a real momentum. It'll be airing in Spring 2011.
Other animation work has been the development on a new HIT animated preschool show, which I've been collaborating on with Ian Carney (superscribe) and Studio Liddell (superstudio) - that's looking great too and I'll be able to talk shortly about it on here after a few press releases start to appear.
In publishing I'm about to start work on my first picture book in a few years, working with UK publishers Tick Tock Books - very excited about this as it's a story that is also an animated series concept. Be great to get it out there as it was first envisaged, a pop-up book!
And with "Wereworld", the team at Puffin have started sending through some rough ideas for cover art and the like (I won't be doing this - I don't for a minute want to be accused of Dennis Waterman-syndrome). Very eye-catching and is going to really brand the whole series of books in the long run.
Bada Bling!
I've been missing from the blog for a couple of months as we've had an eventful time in Casa Crayon. Mrs Crayon gave birth to a new shaving last month, Constance, who (6 weeks old today) is doing marvellously well. Older siblings are all very much in love with her so let's hope things stay that way!
On the work front I've been wrapping up on the preproduction design work for my new CBeebies preschool show RAH RAH:

Background artwork all delivered now so my role on continued production is all designwork and general input on the creative direction of the show with the team. Its looking pretty special I have to say - off to Chester Zoo next week for an introduction of the show to the wider team (publishing and merchandise partners) so there's a real momentum. It'll be airing in Spring 2011.
Other animation work has been the development on a new HIT animated preschool show, which I've been collaborating on with Ian Carney (superscribe) and Studio Liddell (superstudio) - that's looking great too and I'll be able to talk shortly about it on here after a few press releases start to appear.
In publishing I'm about to start work on my first picture book in a few years, working with UK publishers Tick Tock Books - very excited about this as it's a story that is also an animated series concept. Be great to get it out there as it was first envisaged, a pop-up book!
And with "Wereworld", the team at Puffin have started sending through some rough ideas for cover art and the like (I won't be doing this - I don't for a minute want to be accused of Dennis Waterman-syndrome). Very eye-catching and is going to really brand the whole series of books in the long run.
Bada Bling!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
PRESS RELEASE - "Wereworld" novels picked up by Puffin!

Puffin are very excited to announce that we have acquired two fantasy novels in a new series entitled Wereworld by British author and artist Curtis Jobling. Shannon Park, Executive Editor at Puffin secured world rights for the series from the John Jarrold Literary Agency, for an undisclosed five-figure sum. The Wereworld novels are due for publication in 2011 and 2012 respectively.
WEREWORLD follows the story of fifteen-year-old Drew, a shepherd’s son, as he comes of age and discovers he’s the last of the long line of Werewolves, and rightful (yet reluctant) ruler of the land of Lyssia, where lycanthrope ‘Werelords’ reign. Before long he’s hurtling headlong into an epic journey of fantasy and horror, from one deadly encounter to the next, meeting exotic Werelords at every turn as he’s drawn inexorably towards his destiny.
‘When Curtis approached me with the first volume of this series, I could immediately see the strength of his imagination and invention,’ said John Jarrold. ‘Much respect to Shannon for seeing how wonderful the idea was and getting it through the system at Puffin, including giving editorial guidance even before she could formally present it in-house.’
Shannon Park says, ‘I am so thrilled to sign up this series, which blends themes of traditional fantasy and contemporary horror within an action-packed story. Werewolves are hot property right now, and this series has huge appeal for the 10+ fantasy market.’
Curtis Jobling designed the Bafta winning BOB THE BUILDER and is also the creator of FRANKENSTEIN’S CAT, the BBC's hit children’s animation series based upon his book of the same name. In addition he has numerous shows in development with Disney, the BBC and others. His website is at: http://www.curtisjobling.com.
The first novels in the Wereworld series are due for publication in 2011 and 2012.
For further details, please contact John Jarrold or Jayde Lynch on:
John Jarrold - email: j.jarrold@btinternet.com phone: 01522 510544
Jayde Lynch - email: Jayde.Lynch@uk.penguingroup.com phone: 020 7010 3072
PS: Yes, I know, it's a Rick Baker Werewolf image. But then, he is the King.
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