Late update on the goings on of the Bling but here goes.
WEREWORLD - although I've been working on the first draft of Book Two in the last few months, that's been put on hold by the developments with the first book. "Rise of the Wolf" is getting picked up by a couple of other territories in addition to the UK, including the US - due to this I'm trying to incorporate the comments from across the pond into the finished manuscript, which although time-consuming will make for a better book, and ensure that the UK and US editions are the same, bar the obvious spelling diffs (colour vs color, realise vs realize etc) It's all tremendously exciting and is totally new territory for me. I'm starting over, regardless of previous publications in picture books. So the additional edit is now complete and my m/s is with Puffin. Back to writing Book Two...
RAA RAA - rumbling on like an afro-headed monster, the preschool show is looking, quite simply, beautiful. The animators, set builders and modelmakers have done a stellar job and the air date is creeping up bit by bit. Spring next year - zoinks! I've written a couple of scripts myself and have put my hand up for a few more too. No werewolves in this mind....
AOB - development is continuing on a few of my other shows but, as you may imagine, WEREWORLD and RAA RAA are demanding an awful lot of my attention, in between the regular day job of being dad. Last six weeks have been chaotic as we had the kids on their school summer break and they go back on Monday (can I hear a WOOP!) Bad dad that I am I was smuggling my sketchbook and laptop with us as we went camping here and there.
Bada Bling!
This blog is turning into the diary of one serious under-achiever. When are you going to get off your ample arse and do something with your life?
Might I suggest a paper-round?
Haven't... energy... cankles and fatwrists... atrophying.... need..... cheesepoofs.........
Wondering just how annoying will the Rah Rah theme tune be? I have great expectations when it comes to kids tv and any tune that doesn't get wedged in my ear and get on my tits just isn't the same...
Well done Curtis - you've some really great stuff in the works!
The cover to your new book's pretty cool - bet it'll be a great feeling to see it on the shelves! :o)
That's pretty big! Congrads!
Sarah - the theme tune will do all of the above and then some, I promise!
Tim - cheers chum - weird having another artist do the covers but its an area that its own unique discipline as you know. He's done a great job.
Sorrentino - many thanks! Love your work!
I look you up, thanks to my cat-mad daughter falling in love with your creation: viz 'Frankenstein's Cat'. We both think CBBC have done a marvellous job with theme tune, voices, plot and characterization based, of course, on your work. (And yes, she is a fair fan of Bob The Builder, too.) We wonder if you can persuade your publishers to produce the remaining two thirds of not-so-far DVD released episodes onto DVD. Great steaming catboxes, she is wearing out our copy of 'The Cat From A Kit' -- it's time to call the emergency services!
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