Sunday, July 23, 2006


Too weird.

As mentioned in the Yorkshire Post article post below, I found out this weekend that my "story" regarding moving home has now made the national press, namely The Guardian. WHY??? I don't get it, can only assume that Friday was a slow news day. The most worrying thing though is the fact that once one article is printed that names you (incorrectly) as "creator" of a sh0w like BOB THE BUILDER, everyone else does without checking the facts. I don't credit myself as the creator of said yellow helmeted builder, only as the "designer" and therefore member of the creative team. Can only hope there's no fall-out from this as it's totally out of my stumpy fat hands.

Most amusing though is that I should appear in the column anyway, alongside such celebrity notaries as Rio Ferdinand and Jade "Mingin'" Goody! :-D


Anonymous said...

Ha, that is fantastically surreal I can only imagine that whoever wrote the article deliberately described you as the creator in order to secure a bigger payout from the Guardian.
Loving the fact, as you say, that this really is a head scratcher when it comes to figuring out the actual point of the story.
However also know how sick you must feel not knowing how other parties may perceive the whole 'creator' debacle.

Jade Goodie? hee hee, you've made it now.

Niel Bushnell said...

Fame at last!! Still, you only know you've really made it when you've got your face on the side of a taxi! :)

Jo Bling said...

I don't know what the "shizzle" was, I honestly believe the journalist reported it in good faith, it's just been miscredited earlier in previous articles and since then it stuck. If I mention to one journalist that I'm the inventor of the ball point pen and my Dad was Ronnie Corbett, you can be sure that a couple of articles down the line I'll be described as the ball point half pint creator of Bob!

Mr Bushnell, I'm figuring that either One North East adorned a Newcastle cab with your big mug, or you ended up having a Hackney door slammed in your face. It's one or the other :-)

Ann, I am indeed going to write to them. It's a nice article, but I'd like to set the record straight and if they ARE interested in a follow up Arts article that'd be grand!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm gobsmacked, from the photo I've seen you don't look anywhere near old enough to be dad of Corbett!

Barker perhaps...

dragonhead said...

Yey! Now the next step is to make it into a world-wide paper. You will definitely get people looking to buy your house after that.

Just wondering Jobling, do you know anyone who is going to Siggraph?

justinpatrickparpan said...

Regarding the post below, its always facinating to see the birth and development of a vision. And those Mob characters are a delight, so thanks for posting them Mr. Bling, its cool to see the inner workings!

I. N. J. Culbard said...

You're an imposter, Mister Bling. An imposter. Now, step away from that devolution ray you have aimed at the moon where you have planted a giant mirror that will reflect the ray and fire it at old London town, near London, and give it up. You know your plan was foiled from the very beginning.

Jo Bling said...

"You're an imposter and I claim my Ten Pounds!"

People will be doing that to me on the streets of fair Middlesbrough. Ah well, it beats them just pointing and laughing.....

Nik, we should meet up for a brew. lemme know if you've plans to be in Boro soon?

JP- Gobbledeegee could be right up your street, with it being the tale of a rampaging B Movies monster that attacks a seaside town :-) But for kids, naturally.... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Curtis, sounds like a plan, the life of a freelancer can sometimes be a lonely one and the chance to meet a fellow creative face to face always help to keep the voices away. Will whizz you over an email when I get chance.