Article in
THE SUNJust stumbled across this article online which I figure was in today's Sun newspaper. Not a newspaper I'd ordinarily get but might have to ask the newsagent if he can dig out a copy of it tomorrow as I've missed it now. Nice to see the Cat still getting column centimetres! :-D
I've been absent from the blog due to fresh fatherhood once more. Yes, restless nights all over again as we take it in shifts to be deprived of sleep. Wouldn't change it for a thing, mind you. Has been lovely this weekend to have all my kids at home with me, AJ, Evie and Lottie. A happier chap you'd struggle to find.
As things are settling back into order now it's back to work for me this week as the Cat production rolls on, namely with me churning out the designs for episode number 2. All fun stuff.
On a much sadder note, I'm sorry to report that my good friend and mentor Jeanette Crizzle lost her battle against Leukemia on Friday in the early hours. I first met Jeanette when I turned up to do creative writing and illustration workshops with her class of boys at Bedford prep school and her unfailing dedication to her pupils, literature and most significantly her family took my breath away. I've been back to Bedford frequently in the last few years, Jeanette principally being the draw. She leaves behind Adam and her two children, Emily and Nicky. I've agreed to become a patron of the Jeanette Crizzle Trust, hopefully helping to spotlight and raise the profile on the criminally ignored subject of bone marrow donation.
Following on from this awful news, I'd like to direct anyone who hasn't read it to "Harry" by Rosemary Timperley, in my opinion one of the greatest short ghost stories ever written, certainly the saddest. It's there alongside "The Monkey's Paw" for mine. Jeanette directed me to it when we first met and it had a profound effect upon me. Please try and pick it up if you're a fan of chillers/horrors. It can be found in various collections, most notably the Roald Dahl Book of Short Ghost Stories.
"Such ordinary things make me afraid. White roses. Sunlight. Sharp shadows on grass..."