This is the remaining "Frankenpet" to accompany Nine, Fifi and Heidi. Igora (started out life as Igor) is the vainest bird in the world, though admittedly she's clearly damaged in many ways. Again, lots of fun to design and has turned out to be a terrific character in the show who makes a great nemesis for Nine. I'd love to see all the gang as plushies with detachable limbs and body parts- kids could make their own Frankenpets from the collected bunch of parts. My producer's mother made a hand-stiched Nine which I'd post on here to show you if I had the darn image.
Off to Birmingham for the Book Day on Friday, promoting reading to kids and doing some storytelling spots in the city. Then I'm doing signings in Borders Leeds Birstall this Sunday. Both should be a hoot, though I'm slightly wary of how I get from venue to venue at present in Brom. Birmingham is a city that I know about as well as Nantucket. That isn't a lot. At all.
Luckily I know a girl from Nantucket...
lol FrankenPlushies sound awesome!
Igora is such a cute bird. I like the stripes that you put on her.
Bad-a-Blong-Tastic !!!!
What's a Blong Glazy? Sounds semi-rude.....
As for photoshop tutorials and out other chat, I'm up for it!
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